
Dear Sadhakas,
Greetings from Dharmasthala
We are pleased to inform that the following category of accommodation facilities added to the existing Hospitals to your choice in your future visits.

Shanthivana, Dharmasthala:
1. Deluxe Cottages with in – built all treatments inside the Cottage.
2. General ward facility 60 beds with attached Treatment Section will start from February 2020.

Soukhyavana Pareeka, Udupi:
1. General wards
2. Special wards
3. Deluxe rooms
4. Cottages
5. Group accommodation facility for the corporate sector

Most Adavnce Deluxe Cottage first time in the History of Naturoapthy & Yoga in Asia.
Ancient Roots for the Modern fruits

We are opening Deluxe Cottages at Shantivana On 6 th July, 2019 as additional Fragrance to Our renowned Centre. Interested persons wants to avail these facilities can do the registration through phone call from today to Mr. Chethan PRO, Shantivana Ph. No.9902116277/9611802344.
Note: Booking is available for 08 cottages from 06 th of July, 2019

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